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Worldmark Memberships for Sale (NZ$ Levies)

Due to the changes that Wyndham introduced on the 1st January 2018 a customer owning a membership with fees in NZ$ must purchase a membership which also has NZ$ fees AND has the same anniversary as their current membership.  If you are looking to upgrade an NZ$ membership please send an email to with the following details:

  • Number of credits you currently get per year
  • Your anniversary month
  • How many credits you are looking to purchase and/or what your approximate budget is.

Once we have those details we can then find a suitable membership for you and send you the details with pricing.


IMPORTANT NOTE: We DO NOT recommend buying an NZ$ membership if you currently do not have a membership as these new rules have made it quite difficult to find a suitable membership to upgrade with.  If you are not a current owner we suggest buying an A$ membership as that will give you a lot more upgrade options in the future (and also make it easier to sell if you do ever need to sell the membership).

Click here to return to our Australian Dollar Fee membership listing.


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