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At Redseason we believe in giving back to the community whenever we can so we support the following charities:

Cancer Council of Victoria

We participate in the Cancer Council of Victoria’s Holiday Break program which donates holiday accommodation to cancer patients and their families to give them a short break away from hospital visits and cancer treatment to spend some quality time with their loved ones.

Starlight Childrens Foundation

We have donated numerous weeks of accommodation to the Starlight Foundation over the past few years. Starlight uses these weeks to either grant wishes to sick children (for example we have donated more than half a dozen weeks at the Worldmark Kirra Beach resort on the Gold Coast to Starlight to help grant wishes to children who would like a Gold Coast holiday and theme park visit) or to provide a respite break for the parents of sick children.


Kiva is an organisation that provides microfinance loans to people in developing countries to enable them to build a better life for themselves through developing their business opportunities. On the KIVA website you can view profiles of the different people requesting loans all around the world and choose the ones you want to support with a US$25 (or larger) loan. The great thing about Kiva is that as your loans are paid back you can relend the money again to another person. So far Redseason has funded more than 190 loans.

Assistance Dogs Australia

We are currently sponsoring the training of an assitance dog puppy. Assistance dogs are trained to help disabled people by performing a variety of tasks from opening and closing doors through to barking for help if their owner is in trouble.

World Vision and Unicef and

We have made regular cash donations to World Vision and Unicef for various appeals (our family also personally sponsors two children) and we also make use of the World Vision “Smiles” catalogue each year to send real gifts (check it out at the World Vision site if you don’t know what I mean).

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