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Accor Vacation Club Resorts

The Accor Vacation Club currently has twenty-one resorts available for members although as you can see in the following table a few of the resorts do not have a lot of rooms available for club members which means those resorts can be quite difficult to get bookings at (the resorts with more rooms available are, of course, easier to get bookings at). The club owned properties are located at:

Resort Location Star Rating Credits 3 br 2 br 1 br Studio Total Units
Palm Cove (near Cairns) 4.5 A 3 3 14 5 25
Sunshine Coast (Twin Waters) 4.0 A 4 4 4 12
Gold Coast (Legends) 4.5 A 8 2 2 12
Gold Coast (Turtle Beach) 4.5 A 12 13 25
Gold Coast (Freshwater) 4.5 B 15 16 31
Coffs Harbour 4.5 A 5 5 5 15
Vintage Apartments (Hunter Valley) 5.0 B 16 15 31
Darling Harbour (Sydney) 4.5 B 15 15
Bowral 4.5 B 1 4 13 6 24
Lake Crackenback (Snowy Mountains) 4.5 A 1 2 2 5
Pinnacle Valley (Mt Buller) 4.0 A 1 14 14 9 35
Lady Links Bay (SA) 4.0 A 14 14
Creswick (Vic) 4.5 B 18 18
Melbourne 4.5 B 4 51 54
Margaret River (WA) 5.0 B 17 17
Busselton Bungalows (WA) 4.5 A 18 16 25 59
Swan Valley (WA) 4.5 A 8 16 8 32
Queenstown (NZ) 4.5 A 7 1 8
Coromandel (NZ) 4.5 A 1 12 25 38
Wanaka (NZ) 4.0 A 13 2 15
Bali (Indonesia) 4.0 A 1 4 4 2 11
Club Total 4.4 26 161 204 109 500

The points required for a one week stay in high season for each credit rating in the above table are:

Credit Rating 3 br 2 br 1 br Studio
A 7000 5000 4000 2700
B 9000 7000 4500 3500

For mid-season points are around 65% of the high season and low season is around 45% of the high season value.

NOTE: Information was extracted from the December 2013 Product Disclosure Statement available from the AVC website.

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